Here goes:
Event: Saturday Futsal Match (Confirmed On 11/6/09)
Venue: Singapore Poly Courts
Date & time: Saturday, 13 June 09, 9.30am
Attire: Kismis Jersey
Personel-in-charge: CFCghimpheng
Remarks: Please confirm your number of players with Eric or CFCghimpheng IMMEDIATELY. Un-informed players will NOT be entertain & priority is given to KISMIS players at all times. Soccer game will automatically be canceled if rain doesn't stop by 8am that day.....
Players coming: CFCghimpheng, CFCgp's 6 Friends, Lampard, James, Ting Fu, Joshua, Zhaoming, Alvin Chan, Raymond, Guan, Eric, Neo, Jimmy(Counter: 18 Players)
TBC list:
Players excused: