Monday, March 16

21 March 09: Match Day @ Singapore Poly 9.30am

Bring your football if you have one as we are having a "Ball" Crisis. Size 5 preferred ~

Kismis players do update your attendance weekly through the kismis blog or sms me or via my msn / facebook / friendster. It take only few seconds for you to do so every week.

~ Happy Birthday To Me 17 March And Benjachenko 21 March ~ May All Our Wishes Come True Be Happy ~

Cheers ~

~ Please Bring $29 for Kismis Adidas Jersey ~ Logo, Name And Number Will Be Printed ~

~ Pass me the money asap so that we can get our Team Jersey soon ~

Inform Me Your Jersey Size, Name And Number if you haven't done so.

Deadline - April 30 (No Further Delay) Those Who never pass me the payment of the Jersey and inform me about the Size, Name and Number I will assume that you not interested in making a Jersey. Inform me asap so that we can get the jerseys done soon.

Jersey Collection($29) - Ghim Pheng, Joshua, Zhaoming, Alvin Kang, Eric, Chau, JonD, Zhihao, Neo, Ben, Guyver, Dennis, Alvin Chan, Wei Chong, King
, Ting Fu, James

Paid($20) - Pac

Paid($19) - Hsuan, Daniel

Here goes:

Event: Saturday Futsal Match (Confirmed On 17/3/09)
Venue: Singapore Poly Courts
Date & time: Saturday, 21 March 09, 9.30am
Attire: Kismis Jersey
Personel-in-charge: CFCghimpheng
Remarks: Please confirm your number of players with Eric or CFCghimpheng IMMEDIATELY. Un-informed players will NOT be entertain & priority is given to KISMIS players at all times. Soccer game will automatically be canceled if rain doesn't stop by 8am that day.....
Players coming: CFCghimpheng, CFCgp's 2 Friends, Lampard, Jimmy, Guan, Daniel, James, Ting Fu, Floyd, Raymond, Stanley(Counter: 12 Players)
TBC list:
Players excused: Marcus(Busy Until Late May), Eric(Busy), JonD(Busy), Neo(Busy), Zhihao(Event), Joshua(Event), Zhaoming(Event), Alvin Chan(Event), Alvin Kang(MIA)
